Karte Rangliste


Besiegte Gegner: 2.463.969 (505.)
Stamm: OLB²

Dörfer (76) Koordinaten Punkte
172|480 26
173|483 10.031
The answer
221|459 10.029
The answer
214|464 10.029
The answer
212|461 10.019
The answer
205|473 10.019
The answer
198|474 10.044
The answer
196|495 10.029
The answer
196|493 10.019
The answer
197|474 10.019
The answer
186|483 10.029
The answer
183|482 10.019
The answer
188|481 10.019
The answer
187|474 10.019
The answer
198|470 10.033
The answer
184|482 10.019
The answer
186|471 8.091
The answer
188|480 10.019
The answer
183|493 10.019
The answer
182|471 10.033
The answer
186|485 10.019
The answer
186|491 10.031
The answer
181|467 10.019
The answer
184|471 8.085
The answer
181|471 10.019
The answer
177|476 7.518
The answer
164|470 1.991
The answer
171|479 3.346
The answer
174|479 2.036
The answer
174|482 1.195
The answer
169|490 1.106
The Solution to your question
377|478 10.029
The Solution to your question
369|488 10.019
The Solution to your question
366|492 10.031
The Solution to your question
366|495 10.019
The Solution to your question
364|493 10.019
Why Not ?
290|508 10.019
Why Not ?
290|506 10.019
Why Not ?
292|503 10.019
Why Not ?
285|503 10.033
Why Not ?
283|501 10.019
Why Not ?
282|502 10.019
Why Not ?
284|502 10.947
Why Not ?
284|501 10.019
You wonder why
242|489 10.019
You wonder why
242|488 10.029
You wonder why
236|482 10.031
You wonder why
240|487 10.019
You wonder why
233|481 10.019
You wonder why
236|488 10.019
You wonder why
242|484 10.019
You wonder why
229|476 10.019
You wonder why
226|493 11.678
You wonder why
228|478 10.033
You wonder why
229|486 10.505
You wonder why
222|490 10.019
You wonder why
227|494 10.019
You wonder why
222|492 10.033
You wonder why
226|495 9.223
You wonder why
224|478 10.019
You wonder why
213|491 10.019
You wonder why
215|491 10.019
You wonder why
217|496 10.019
You wonder why
211|490 10.019
You wonder why
210|492 10.019
You wonder why
210|490 10.019
You wonder why
209|485 10.029
You wonder why
212|488 10.019
You wonder why
214|494 10.019
You wonder why
210|493 10.019
You wonder why
212|492 10.029
You wonder why
209|492 10.019
You wonder why
216|495 10.019
You wonder why
211|491 10.019
You wonder why
207|486 10.019
You wonder why
214|490 10.019